Hello, how are you? As I sit on my couch on a Saturday night and write this blog post. We made it to 2021! The ball dropped in NYC at midnight, and we all yelled Happy New Year! While this new year looked different than years before. We can all agree that 2020 was a year of challenges and self-awareness. If you’re reading this, cheers to a new beginning! We’re three months into the new year and we’ve already experienced some anxiety and oh wow moments. I want to share 21 things that we need to continue in the new year. In addition to a few things, we can do to keep our spirits up!
1. Family
These past 11 months, we’ve had to social distance from family due to Covid-19. Not only did we have to social distance, but some families haven’t seen each other in months. Being with family is essential to one’s being, and it’s food to our soul. This year, make time to reconnect with family, especially if it’s a virtual zoom gathering or a drive-by birthday celebration. The emotional toll this virus and other events happening in our world have caused will be imprinted into our minds forever. Check on your loved ones.
2. Create a budget
You’ve heard many times before you need to create a budget. For those unexpected expenses that may occur. 2020 has taught us that a budget is necessary for uncertain times also. Have you created your budget for 2021? If you answered Yes, good for you. Make plans to sit down at the dining room table and put together a budget. Here are a few tips to get started: Review your account statement and create an excel spreadsheet. If you don’t have excel, you can use a notebook or journal. They also have apps to track this data. Take your monthly income and deduct your monthly expenses. This allows you to see what you’re spending money on and what you can save for the future.
3. Road trip
Road trip? We all love a good road trip. I know you probably think who can go on a road trip right now. You can. If you think about a road trip, you take a journey for a long distance in a car. Depending on what state you live in, you can take a one-hour or two-hour road trip in your state. You could drive down to the beach, countryside or get on the road and drive until you plan to stop. It’s that simple, and it’s somewhat safer, and you can control the passengers. I would put a plan in order and find those hidden gems in your city or state. Get on the highway. Here are some quotes to get you going:
“I just go with the flow, I follow the yellow brick road. I don’t know where it’s going to lead me, but I follow it.” – Grace Jones
“Making memories one road trip at a time.” — Unknown
“Because the greatest part of a road trip isn’t arriving at your destination. It’s all the wild stuff that happens along the way.” — Emma Chase
4. Fitness goals
Let’s get fit! Have you incorporated a fitness plan into your weekly routine? What about a fitness challenge? It’s so many fitness challenges that meet the needs of everyone. You can’t make an excuse that you can’t get fit in 2021. Start at your own pace and slowly incorporate a new activity into your fitness routine. With social distancing being enforced, you must find the strength to motivate yourself. 10 to 15 minutes of exercise a day or every other day will do you some good. “It’s a slow process, but quitting won’t speed it up.” Author Unknown
21 for 2021: How to take up a hobby
5. Take up a hobby
Have you done anything fun lately that you love more than three times a month? Did it take up half-your day or the entire day? Did you create a keepsake or join a group of like-minded people? You are probably thinking, who has time to start a hobby. This is the perfect time to pick your hobby up or discover a new one. Find inspiration from your childhood favorite things, join a virtual hobby social media group or search the internet on your interests.
6. Friends
Friends, how many of us have them? Ones we can depend on. These are the lyrics from Hip-Hop group Whodini. Friends! We need them, they support us, and they help us get through tough times. Friends are another extension of your family. Continue to nurture those friendships this year.
7. Start a business
Now’s the time to put that dream or goal of starting a business into reality. You’ve seen family and friends start businesses. You’ve stopped and started. Make this year a year of growth towards opening that business. It’s so much information on how to start a business. You probably have the resources and connections in front of you. You need to tap in and be confident in your pursuit of this venture—a few things to start brainstorming. Determine if you want to sell a product or provide a service. Do some research. Ask all and any questions in the market you’re looking to get into. Create a business plan. These are just a few simple steps to get you started.

8. Podcasts: Create a podcast
Suppose you are a blogger, influencer, entrepreneur, small business owner, love to share any and everything, or content creator. Starting a podcast may be in your future. This is just a small group of people. If you have something to say and want to express those thoughts, here’s another medium for you to do that. I would first determine a few topics to discuss. What are your interests, hobbies, or product you want to communicate to your audience? Below is a link to a great article I found for podcasts.
9. Start a blog
Suppose you’ve landed on this page. You’re reading my blog. I started this blog in October, and it’s been a labor of love. I’ve always wanted to create one and dragged my feet on doing so. October 2020, I hit the publish button to start this blog. Please take a look around, and I hope you stay for a while. Back to help you start your blog. Here are a few tips to get you started. 1. Determine the name of your blog. 2. Purchase a domain name. 3. Get web hosting for your domain name. 4. Pick a theme for your website. 5. Start publishing blog posts.
Start a no-spend challenge
10. No spend challenge
Are you looking to save money for the month? Maybe try a no-spend challenge. A no-spend challenge is choosing a period out of the month and not spending any money. I would define what your basic needs are. I think of necessities like groceries, gas, utilities, etc. So, anything outside of those basic needs, you should plan to spend no money during that period. Entertainment, shopping, going out to a restaurant would be included on the NO SPEND list. Determine if you want to challenge yourself for five days, two weeks, or a month. Research, prepare and start saving.
11. Find your purpose
Find your purpose. A statement we’ve heard before. How do I know what my purpose is? This is another question that arises when you feel disappointed in life. Some find what their purpose is early on in life. While others it may take a few months or years to discover. I do believe we need to seek what our purpose is. It’s a personal decision to do just that.

12. Self-care
Have you heard the phrase Self-Care Sunday? On Sunday, you choose to focus on your needs and wants to rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit. Overall, self-care is needed every day so, do not neglect to take the time for yourself. Please put it on your priority list and treat yourself.
Ready to start a new DIY project?
13. DIY Projects
We’ve all done a DIY project in our lifetime. DIY projects can be fun, less expensive, and you can be as creative as you like. I would also say that DIY projects are suitable for taking your mind off a lot of things. Specific projects can be stress relievers and give you some accomplishment once completed. So, take the time to get that DIY project stated. You will thank yourself for it later.
14. Try a new recipe
Even the greatest cooks try a new recipe. Eventually, you get bored with the same kinds of food you cook throughout the week. Unless you’re on a strict diet under doctor orders, go ahead and try that new curry recipe. As with trying new things, you open your mind to different flavors, textures, and your palette increases. Check out a few of your favorite food blogs and get to buying new ingredients!

15. Get organized
This is one task no one is really looking forward to doing. If you want your life to be in some order, you must get organized. Get some help or take some time over the weekend and create a schedule. Write a list of to-do’s, rate them by importance, and include a timeline for each task. Getting organized is not just your home space. If you own a business, entrepreneur, or everyday working professional, this applies as well. Clean out those old emails, write in a planner, and create a routine.
16. Hire a Makeup Artist
Is your birthday approaching? Do you have a photoshoot scheduled? Any event you’re attending in the future. Think about hiring a makeup artist. This is one of my favorite things I like to do to spoil myself. Plus, who wants to do their own makeup on their wedding day or birthday party. It’s even better if you have your favorite girls to join you. Schedule that makeup appointment today!
17. Volunteer
Think about volunteering this year. I know Covid-19 put a halt to that. Hopefully, this year it will be more opportunities to volunteer. You do not necessarily have to volunteer at an organization. You could help volunteer at your local church, help a neighbor, or assist at your company. It feels good to volunteer and be of service to your community. Find your interest or a cause you’re passionate about and look into giving back and watch how you’ll see life differently.
18. Disconnect from social media
We live in a highly social world now. More than ever, people are constantly on their phones or computer. We spend countless hours on social media or searching the internet for information. It’s okay to take a break; it’s probably necessary for you to disconnect from social media. On the iPhone, you can set screen limits to help with screen time. Take a few hours out of the week to put your phone down. Over the weekend, only pick up your phone until the afternoon. Determine what your limits are and say No to scanning your Twitter account every hour. It will take some discipline but try it out at least a few times a month.

19. Treat yourself once a month
It’s healthy to spoil yourself or splurge on a fancy dinner for yourself. Save your money and purchase a nice birthday gift or a just because gift. Think about staying at a hotel for a staycation. You work hard every single day to afford the things you love. The everyday grind can be stressful and draining.
20. Consistency
Are you consistent in your daily goals? Do you feel you’re not getting to the next level? Try to start being consistent. Take an assessment of what that looks like for you. What factors are distracting you from publishing that blog post? Or posting to your Instagram feed to drive traffic to your blog. Some key points to consider going forward. Start a schedule. Fine-tune that goal. What’s the result. Try to make it fun. Stick to that schedule.
21. Create a digital photo book
This is a fun and easy project to complete. Take those photos you have and create a digital photo book—an excellent way to show off to family and friends. Determine how you want the book to look. Choose a few themes -vacations, girl’s trips, or Disney family vacations. Have an idea of the photo book company and start creating.
Thanks for reading! I hope this list will be helpful in your daily life. Let me know in the comments which one you’re planning to do. Please like and share this post.

Awesome tips!
Glad you enjoyed the tips!