I turned 45 a few days ago and all I can say is Wow. The years have flown by and now I’m on the uphill to 50. This will not be a long blog post, but I do know for sure I’m blessed to see another year, grace and mercy have kept me all these years, and my story is still being written. Happy Birthday to me!! I would like to share 45 things I’ve learned leading to my 45th birthday in this post.

1. Love yourself first.
2. Give yourself grace for all the things you try to accomplish and don’t quite succeed. Keep trying you will never know if you give up.
3. Be in the moment.
4. Purchase a journal. Journal your feelings and never be afraid to go back and read what you wrote.
5. Honor your mother and father. If your parents aren’t living, honor the mother and father figure in your life.
6. Cherish those friendships that you’ve craved for that have come to fruition.
7. Travel solo to a place you’ve always wanted to go. You only live once. Purchase the ticket.
8. Friends and family aren’t going to always be excited to do the things you wanna do.
9. Don’t apologize for the education you have earned. You earned it for a reason.
Cheer for yourself
10. Always be your own cheerleader.
11. It’s okay to cheer and clap for the next woman, trust and believe someone did the same for you.
12. Life will come at you fast and sometimes the only reaction you have is the first reaction.
13. Start planning in your mid-20s or early 30s the things you love to do. You love it so much that you would get paid to do it. The moment you say goodbye to what’s stopping you from doing it full time you will be ready!
14. Love comes and goes and most times you’re not ready for the outcome. A broken heart will heal.
15. It’s okay to cry. All tears aren’t from pain and frustration. Tears of joy, happiness, and laughter flow as well.
16. Get dressed up and take yourself on a date.
17. Hire a makeup artist to do your makeup for a special event.
18. Don’t be afraid to communicate your wants and needs.
19. Celebrate the small victories in your life.
20. Get out of your own way. Most likely, your slowing your growth and purpose in life.
21. Set goals once a week. If once a week is to much, do twice a week. If that’s to much set goals for a month.
22. Eat healthy. Eat a well balanced meal. Drink water.
23. Take up a hobby. You will need it, to help with your inspiration and motivation.
45 things I’ve learned: Smile you have several reasons to

24. Smile often, smile often, and smile often.
25. Surround yourself with people who cheer for you and correct you! Tough love is meant to help you grow.
26. Attend empowerment workshops. We can all be encouraged by others journey in life.
27. Always stand for something, even if it’s in private.
28. Save for a big purchase.
29. Live your best life today. Tomorrow isn’t promised!
30. Have fun and enjoy life! Have no regrets in legally and respectfully enjoying the things you love.
31. Taking a break from social media for a few days is good. Especially if you are in the influencing/blogger space. The daily posts and energy can be draining and starve you of your creative flow.
32. You’re not going to be everyone’s cup of tea. Learn to be okay with it and keep it moving.
33. Start scheduling those doctor appointments. Keep all your scheduled appointments. If you experience any health issues now you won’t feel bad you haven’t visited a doctor in years.
45 things I’ve learned: Find your confidence
34. Be comfortable in your own skin! You’ve worked extremely hard to build up your confidence and attitude towards your appearance.
35. Figure out what makes you happy. Life gets better when you can determine exactly what that is.
36. Take a fitness challenge once in your life. This will get you motivated to kick-start your fitness goals.
37. Figure out what your Love Languages are for you and the special person in your life. Read Gary Chapman, The Five Love Languages
38. I’ve learned it’s okay to be alone for a short period of time. We still need to connect with others, so don’t go into complete solitude.
39. Pay down debt as soon as you can. This will free up your resources to go towards other items in your budget.
40. Forgiveness is powerful. Forgiving myself for things I have done in the past is freeing and stress-free.
41. Success looks different for everyone. Don’t try to measure your success to the next person, you will never know what they went through to see all green.
Spirtual growth is important
42. Fellowship with like believers for your spiritual health.
43. Become a mentor if you don’t have kids or nieces and nephews. Over the years, you’ve developed some life skills that can be shared to help guide the next generation.
44. Party at least once in your life. Invite family and friends.
45. I’m still learning everyday, every week, and every month new things to help me grow for future relationships.
I could go on and share another 45 things I’ve learned. I hope this inspires you to take into consideration that it’s a blessing to reach every birthday, and you will learn, cry, and be frustrated at all of life’s ever-changing events. Keep the faith and you will be okay!