Yay to Two Years!
Happy Halloween, BeFancys! Happy two-year blog anniversary! Today marks my two-year anniversary of starting my blog. Wow! I can’t believe it’s been two years already. Time sure does fly when you’re writing blog posts and creating topics of interest. Many celebrate 5, 7, or 10 years of blogging. I can honestly say this isn’t an easy accomplishment. I was determined and didn’t know how much goes into setting up your website, creating a name for your blog, which hosting platform to host your site, and what theme to select. A blog post is coming soon on How to Start a Blog! Right now, happy two-year blog anniversary!
Love Anything Fashion
It’s been a journey from the time I set up my website to pushing publish on my first post. Initially, I wasn’t big on sharing any parts of my life or experiences. For one, I didn’t quite know what I wanted to share. I love anything fashion, beauty, food, being an inspiration to others, and lifestyle in general. I know I’m all over the place with what I wanted my blog to be. Then the thoughts creep in, and you say to yourself, who’s going to read these posts? Who will be interested in what I have to share? I’ve lived a little and can share wisdom and experiences to inspire or encourage the next person.
Started My Blog
There can be many different turns in life, but it shouldn’t discourage you from giving up on anything you’ve wanted to accomplish. When you start your blog, you will experience setbacks and frustration. I started my blog during the height of Covid-19. I wanted to create a travel blog in 2018 or 2019, and I put it off. When Covid hit, I needed a creative outlet, and I knew it was time to start my blog. I started working on my site and came up with a name. I had ideas on paper about what I wanted the blog to look like, but I couldn’t find any themes I liked.
As I look back on the journey, I can’t believe the wasted energy on determining a theme that can be changed and will most likely change in a few years. Forward to this day, two years ago, BeFancyAnyway was created!
BeFancyAnyway is a fashion & lifestyle blog that shares all things fashion, everyday lifestyle, beauty, a few favorite things, some travel, and inspiration. I hope my blog will be a source of inspiration and a blog to find new and exciting items. Remember: Be You, Be Inspired, and BeFancyAnyway!